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   The perfect business website design is one that combines form, functionality and corporate mission with the most appropriate technologies. Our process insures that your next website will be what you want and what your customers need.

   Prime Web Consulting design team is also able to create a new corporate websites following the stringent guidelines that are essential for the effective promotion of your business. Prime Web Consulting wil be able to assist you in creating an attractive and well-organized Internet presence that will communicate your message effectively to your customers-- and allow your customers to communicate with you.

These guidelines focus on:

Corporate Identity and Branding; This refers to your company logo or motto, corporate colours, slogans, and any brands and services, which you may offer to the buying public. The more uniform your corporate identity is structured; the greater your market positioning and visibility amongst competitors will be. For example, the Nike shoe brand has a clearly defined corporate identity and branding which is recognised by both its competitors and the public and it is the brand identity itself drives the product.

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